Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 8: Avoid Foods that Make Health Claims

As I turned the page in Food Rules; An Eater's Manual, I was hoping for a new challenge this week. I have stopped reading ahead basically because the project is no longer new, two months in.  So, here I am. No food that makes health claims.

Do my high fiber Wasa crackers count? They claim to have a lot of fiber and we all know what that does for your health.


ga said...

I don't think WASA crackers count...When I think about foods that make health claims I think of Goji berries and Noni juice, etc...Random crazy foods that you wouldn't normally eat except that it's supposed to cure you of what ails you.

Food, she thought. said...

That is not the type of food Pollan is talking about. He is talking about cereals that say they lower cholesterol, help you lose weight, are heart smart. Etc. He goes in to detail about why this is bad in Omnivore's Dilemma. I will further edify in the next post.