Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 4: End to HFCS Week

Yup, not eating HFCS was harder than I thought. Progresso soups? HFCS. My ponzu sauce? HFCS.  Both out, the ponzu very painfully out.  I also skipped adding the thick sweet brown fish sauce that comes on the side of my pho during one extremely rainy afternoon last week, assuming rightly I am sure, HFCS.

I also posted the caveat at the beginning of this project that I would allow myself two meals a week as a respite to the week's rule. This week I allowed myself three meals.

Meal #1: Shiro hosted dinner.  I was hosted in an extremely gracious manner in return for some food photographing, I ate everything that was put in front of me including tastes of three different kinds of dessert.

Meal #2: DineLA dinner at Petrossian in West Hollywood.  My meal consisted of bellini with caviar and creme fraiche, black truffle mac & cheese, pork belly in a cheesy polenta, and a strawberry balsamic panna cotta. I see ample opportunity for HFCS to hide in all of those dishes.

Meal #3: Superbowl buffet.  Bratwurst, 1/2 a giant sugar cookies with the Saints fleur-de-lys on top, spicy-sweet salad dressing from a bottle. I am guessing they all had HFCS.

I am happy to kiss this week goodbye and unhappy to grudgingly acknowledge HFCS turns up literally everywhere you look. And since I was not particularly vigilant about my exercise regime, I plan to be doubly so this week with regard to the rule and the regime.

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