Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 4: Avoid Food Containing High Fructose Corn Syrup

Really? That's my challenge? So easy. So not a problem area for me. I'm not a sweet eater, so that's no challenge. I am now in the habit of reading ingredient labels as opposed to simply nutritional analysis, so that will help me execute.  One thing I will have to watch is what I ingest in terms of Asian foods.   I am guessing lots of sauces have HFCS. Peanut sauce for Vietnamese spring rolls, dipping sauce for lumpia, sweet and sour sauces, etc. And so it begins.


Beth said...

It certainly may seem like an easy challenge, but you may be surprised. I was inspired by Pollan's earlier book, In Defense of Food, to change my dietary habits and have been shocked at some of the places I've found HFCS. Half and half, bread, soup, cereal etc. In fact, you've even mentioned it in foods recently (fruit cups for example). I would recommend reading the label anytime you buy a processed food, which it sounds like you are already getting in the habit of doing. I found that I really needed to make all of my food from scratch to avoid the additives and HFCS that are so prevalent in our convenience foods.

Good luck with your project. I'd be curious to know if you see this experiment as an adventure to experience or if you are working towards changing your habits. Do you intend to keep up these Rules beyond the week you focus on them?

64 Weeks, 64 Food Rules said...

Interesting questions, Beth. I do recognize HFCS is an ingredient in many things and its presence in some is surprisingly incongruous. Nevertheless, never having been a huge eater of processed foods, I do think this is going to be an easy week.

With regard to sticking to rules after the project is over, I already am starting to sense a certain rhythm in my eating, in the choices I make. Examine my options, and choose the best choice among them. The fruit cup is a good example. A fruit cup is something that would never darken my own doorstep. However, knowing what my day entailed I chose the fruit cupS with HFCS but with no chemicals or mysterious additives over a fast food lunch. And I imagine when this project is over, my practices will reflect a similar balancing act.

Additionally, I am hoping to retain my committment to Mark Twain's quote, "All things in moderation, including moderation.".

Tina said...

I'm enjoying following your 64 Food Rules eating 'adventures' on this blog, marveling at how specific you are in identifying the ingredients of each thing that touches your lips and making decisions along the way.

I work at home and have an easier time controlling my food choices. I know when I work onsite it becomes harder, time-wise and choice-wise. I started bringing my own coffee and lunches to get a bit more control over the ingredients but planning to put those lunches together was not easy.

I hope you can blog all 64 weeks - it's been endlessly informative to read your posts.